Thursday, 07 May 2015 08:52

Imperial War Museum North review Users

War Museum North War Museum North

Surely Manchester's most striking building of the past decade, the brain-boggling design of the museum is based on star architect Daniel Libeskind's concept of a shattered globe (representing the world divided by conflict).

Inside, floors and walls gently slope and disorient museumgoers. More a museum of peace than a museum of war, the place works hard at being an entertaining and educational multimedia-led venue.

Its permanent displays, which include artillery, audio-visual shows and hands-on exhibits, are supplemented by temporary shows, such as 2011's 'War Correspondent', the UK's largest ever exhibition about wartime journalism. A new quayside entrance, seating and outdoor performance area has been created to mark the opening of Media City (it meets the footbridge that now connects the two). The tower offers an impressive, if vertiginous, view. Source

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