Monday, 08 July 2013 14:13

An Important Checklist to be made for an Organized Divorce Attorney San Jose

Are you thinking of a divorce and have notified your lawyer about the same. You must consider an important checklist in light of these events. If you maintain this checklist and follow it, you will never face a problem in the long run. A number of aspects have to be considered while getting a divorce. If you do not want to forget anything, make a list today.  If a couple has decided that its needs a divorce and have hired reputable divorce attorneys in San Jose CA , there should
not be a problem in getting it. However, taking care of a few things on the respective ends of the couple while the divorce procedure is going on, is important. The couple should make a checklist of all the important things that need to be done and the number of people that they need to inform. The San Jose family law attorneys are responsible for the smooth running of the divorce; however, the couple needs to take care of other things as well. Some of these include:

• Collection of important documents is very important. You should give them all to the lawyer beforehand. This eases the work of the lawyer and the process would run faster. Some of the documents that should be given include, tax returns, investments, financial records, property papers, certification of ownership of other property (such as cars, land and houses).

• Formulation of a calendar is the next thing to be done. This should include important dates related to the divorce, court dates, meetings with the lawyer and other discussions to accelerate the divorce.

• The bank accounts and other finances should be separated from the spouse on an urgent note. The credit cards should be surrendered and they should apply for individual credit cards.

• If there are dependents in the family, a detailed discussion with the spouse is important to discuss the living arrangements until the divorce is finalized.

• Termination of joint health insurance should be done. You can depend on health insurance from any other source. Many companies provide health insurance to their employees. If you have one, there is no need to buy another one.

• If a will is in existence, you should talk to your lawyer instantly. Revision and provisions will be necessary. You should mention the amount of money you want to leave for your children after your death. Another aspect to be included is that who would be the caretaker of your children in the event of your death.
• Update everyone about the fact that you single now. This could include, friends, family, insurance provider, life insurance provider and employer.