Washer Overloading: Just One More Pillowcase
This often occurs because many of us are always in a hurry with an internal clock that is eternally running late. The problem is that haste really does make waste and in this case can lead to an unwanted but necessary rescue from an appliance repair specialist. If you aren’t sure how far you can push it, check the owner’s manual. It will tell you the exact capacity of your machine, which usually averages between 12 and 16 pounds of dirty laundry.
Exceeding your washer’s capacity will prevent proper circulation of the detergent because there’s not enough room for items to agitate. You may need to do more than one load, but in the long run, it’s better for the machine. Overloading allows for less room for the water, which decreases circulation and in turn limits effective cleaning. “Walking” washing machines that dance noisily all over the place during spin cycles do so because they are overloaded.
Make sure that you add detergent before loading your laundry unless the instructions that come with your washing machine state otherwise. Always keep the specified amount below the fill line indicated on the cup, as extra detergent creates extra problems in the form of more suds than needed during the wash cycle. Too much soap not only renders the rinse cycle ineffective, it also allows for the build-up of bacteria inside the tub that can leave an unpleasant and smelly residue and adversely affect your next load. http://www.amazines.com/