First of all, if you start with a brand-new network marketing business, you are going to be risking quite a bit. Using this process model is very risky because it is untested. Unless you know the person involved running the business, you should stay away. There are many network marketing businesses that have been around for a long time. It is important that you take a look at the company, and the very serious before you join. If you go with an older company, they have done their homework and their business model is tested. Typically, companies this old are well known by the government and are not flawed whatsoever.
This usually means that you can trust these companies, and that they are law-abiding. Initially, you should approach your warm market. This is what most network marketers will tell you. Although this is your call, you should stay away from your warm market if at all possible. Warm market prospects are the ones you know the best. Family, friends etc. They will more than likely be disinterested in what you have to say. If you push them, they are likely to avoid you for approaching them. What you want to do, instead, is become successful before approaching them with anything. You will see much more credible when you come to them as a success.
You can join established network marketing companies and rest assured they are legitimate. When it comes to using the internet, you will be smart to use it because it provides leverage and leads. The best way to approach using the net is to make a blog and then start getting targeted traffic to it. This is not hard to do at all, and you will be in a stronger position to market yourself and the business you are promoting.
After you join your network marketing business of choice, then waste no time with it and get to work. You need to do things every day, plus learn from those that have experience if possible. You need to find some alternative way to get this done if you do not like what they do. Even if you do get a "no", it is great for building your character in this very tough industry.SOON HUNKINS