Tuesday, 07 December 2021 09:47

Basic functions of a proxy server

proxy.com proxy.com pixabay

Proxy servers perform a rather simple role of an intermediary between the user and the World Wide Web through a third-party server with a specific address, usually tied to the country where the equipment is located.

Most often, the need to use a proxy arises when working with social networks, during parsing of search engines or specific sites, for online games or just anonymous web surfing. You can buy a high-quality personal IPv4 proxy for any country on the website you-proxy.com.

The company has been carrying out its professional activities in the IT field for more than 7 years, and for such a long time it has been able to establish itself as a reliable and trusted partner who always provides high-quality service and services for connecting to proxy servers around the world at the best prices on the market.

The main purpose of a proxy

Initially, the proxy was conceived as an additional system of network security, a kind of "laying" of data transmission between the user and the World Wide Web. On proxy servers, very powerful firewalls and firewalls are often installed that check all incoming traffic and instantly filter out unwanted contacts or completely block access to a part of the network that is considered potentially dangerous.

But the development of Internet technologies does not stand still, and today proxies have many more uses than they were originally. Anonymity is a pretty useful proxy feature for all users on the network. Thanks to a proxy, an Internet user can visit any site on the network and at the same time remain completely unnoticed, gain access to download content only for users of a certain country, or use services, applications and services that do not work with his current Internet access.

Bypassing all kinds of social media filters or administering certain applications makes proxies an indispensable tool for web developers or administrators. For example, relatively recently, the social network VKontakte was blocked on the territory of Ukraine, but thanks to the use of a proxy, anyone could continue to communicate.