Wednesday, 20 August 2014 13:59

The future of IKEA


Let’s say you’re shopping at the furniture store. Oh, not for anything out of the ordinary - maybe a new mattress for the bed, perhaps a new mirror for the bathroom. But suddenly, you see that this is not just a regular shopping trip – not far from you, is a man who, in a way which cannot be fully explained, hypnotizes people. Is this some kind of fantasy? No, it's IKEA’s new promotional idea. 


Justin Tranz – a famous hypnotist, known for his abilities and skills of helping out people with addictions (alcohol, cigarettes, etc.), decided to take part in IKEA’s new concept. Thanks to his capabilities, in their minds, customers will be able to transcend into the future and see what their lives hold in store for them. Sounds incredible? Samples of Justin Tranz’s talent can already be seen in the trailer prepared by IKEA. A young couple voluntarily agrees to a little experiment with hypnosis, and move to a completely different world. It seems like Justin can do anything with them that he chooses to.
We can still speculate and assume that these are just a couple of actors, however, it turns out that soon IKEA’s youtube channel will be filled with more videos showing ordinary people – customers of the world renown chain of stores, also taking a journey into their own futures.

Want to know more? Click on the video!


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