hand, Apple’s iwallet is in the form of an application that has been designed for a smooth financial transaction. Since both of them share the same name, a clash that can be more explained as confusion or controversy has occurred between Steve’s iWallet and Apple’s soon slated-to-release iwallet application.
Interestingly, Apple is not the only one that has adopted the term ‘iWallet’ for its products or services. For instance, the special wallet that has been designed by Devieta to hold iPhone is also named iWallet. Matblac is another brand that uses this term for its product, Huntsman iWallet 5. Again, it is an iPhone case that is handcrafted by Matblac Studios’ designers in Cape Town. Hazard Mil-iWallet, thumbsUp iWallet and The iWallet by iwallet.se – the list goes on.
More about the Real iWallet
iWallet is a not an ordinary wallet and comes with a myriad of avant-garde features, such as Biometric Fingerprint Reader that limits the wallet’s access only to its owner and Bluetooth technology that enables it to pair it with your smart phone, which in turn results in producing an alarm in case your wallet or phone is separated by more than 10 to 20 ft from each other.
The hard case construction deploying materials such as aluminum and fiber further make it perfect for everyday use with minimal damage or wear and tear. It also provides a plenty of room to conveniently accommodate your hard earned money and sensitive information by way of credit cards, driver’s license etc. Introduced by Steve Cabouli through iWallet Corp, this unique wallet is available in four different models such as Carbon Fiber Classic, Aluminum Classic, Carbon Fiber Slim and Aluminum Slim. Speaking of iWallet as the name of the product, iWallet Corp completely reserves this name, and the testament of this fact is its trademark registration with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) – the US Federal Agency that works under the United States Department of Commerce to grant patents and trademark registration. iWallet - The hi-tech wallet introduced by iWallet Corp is the real iWallet and the best choice to prevent identity theft. Find more details about this secure wallet online from our website.
Please check about a new Hard Case wallet named iWallet which is specially designed to prevent identity theft. This wallet has many features that alerts you if the wallet is being lost or taken by someone.
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