Friday, 05 July 2013 21:52

Uses & Health Benefits of Cumin Powder & Seeds

Whenever possible, buy Cumin seeds instead of Cumin powder, since it is believed that the latter ones lose their flavor more quickly compared to the former ones. Even though, varieties of dried spice are available in the market, it is advisable to explore online spice stores.  Oftentimes, these stores feature an expansive selection of dried spices and herbs, which are of superior quality and freshness compared to those offered by regular markets. Just like other dried
spices, try to Buy Cumin which is grown organically, as this will give you more assurance that it has not been irradiated.

To ensure that Cumin seeds and powder stay fresh for long time keep them in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool & dark place. Grounded Cumin generally stays fresh for about 6 months, while the whole Cumin seeds will stay fresh throughout the year.

Cumin Seeds
These seeds not only provide taste to our Indian cuisines, but also prove very beneficial for our body. In India, Cumins are also known as “jeera” in Hindi and is used extensively in various culinary preparations. These seeds are rich source of iron and hence are very beneficial for people, who tend to need more iron than others like pregnant women, anaemics, etc.

Even though, these seeds look unassuming they pack a punch when it comes to flavor, which can be described as peppery and penetrating with slight citrus overtones. They resemble caraway seeds, being yellow brown in color, oblong in shape and longitudinally ridged.

Research has shown that Cumins can stimulate the production of pancreatic enzymes and helps in digestion process. Studies have revealed that Cumin is protective against memory loss problem and damaging effects of stress on the body. Besides this, Cumin has been found to have the ability to lower blood glucose levels and has been shown to be promising to control diabetes.

Cumin Powder
It is an aromatic spice, which has a distinctive warm aroma and bitter flavor due the abundant oil content present in it. It is usually used to flavor stuffed vegetables, rice, savory dishes & curries. Cumin powder is a popular ingredient in India, Asian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern & Mexican cuisines and combines well with cilantro.

Thus, to get more knowledge about the uses and health benefits of Cumin powder & seeds, you can browse relevant websites/blogs, which will provide you detailed information on this agro product.