Using Alternate Identities In Chat Rooms
You may just want to have a different profile on a Chat Room to have a different set of friends. With your second identity you can pretend to be almost anyone, you could make up a whole life story if you wanted to. You can make up where you are from, how old you are, and even what your job might be. It kind of makes you wonder who is telling the truth about who they are on chat rooms.
Make sure you keep your information separate. You do not want to get your account name and passwords mixed up when you go to log in to an Online Chat Room. It is also very important to keep your stories straight if you plan on having multiple identities, you would not want to get them mixed up and tell someone something that you were not supposed to, they could get suspicious.
It is very important that you do not impersonate other people in the Chat Room because it will probably upset them. Never go on using another users name, you could potentially damage their reputation and that is not right to do. Think about how you would feel if someone logged in using your name and said things to people that you normally would not say yourself, it would feel bad I assume so you should avoid doing it yourself