Monday, 25 May 2015 09:44

IKEA’s modern kitchen

How will our lives look like in 2025? Will a lot of things change? These are the questions we ask ourselves almost every day, hoping that everything will improve. Technology will develop to such an extent that life will become easy and enjoyable, and mundane tasks won’t require any effort from us. How will it be like in our house, and more specifically - in the kitchen?

Kitchens have changed with the development of civilization. Stone bowls and mortars have been replaced by mixers, and knives have largely been substituted by blenders. The world is constantly moving forward and this is true also for our kitchens. Daily facilitations are already the norm for us, without which we cannot imagine cooking or cleaning. Food processors, dishwashers, ovens - all this makes the preparation of meals quite a pleasant thing to do.

But have you ever wondered how it’ll be in ten years? If you didn’t, you have the incredible opportunity to find out about how the kitchen of the future might look like. Fifty students decided to create a project and exhibition, whose main theme is technology. Everything is part of the #IKEATemporary campaign.

What have they created? Click on the video and see for yourself how our kitchens will look like in ten years!

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