Monday, 10 June 2013 12:12

Tips for Planning a Debut Party

The age of 18 is considered the age when someone legally ceases to be a minor. For young ladies, the memorable transition into adulthood often culminates in a debut or coming out party on her 18th birthday. Because of the importance of this turning point in a young person’s life, it is one of the most celebrated birthdays aside from the first, the third, and the thirteenth birthdays.  Although young men also have their own share of parties when they turn 18, young women are often
given an elaborately planned birthday bash. If you or anyone you know is celebrating her 18th birthday soon, below are some tips to help you plan for a debut party.

*Choose a good venue. No matter what kind of party you are planning, a good venue is essential in the party’s success. If you plan to have a lot of dancing in your party, which is common in debut parties, then you will need a bigger venue that can accommodate a dance floor for you and your guests to dance on. Popular wedding venues such as The Oasis and The Glass Garden are good choices also for debut parties. Do an ocular of your shortlisted venues before making any booking.

*Create a lively program. Keep in mind that young people, which are mostly teenagers, will be attending the debut party so the program has to be a lively one that can hold their attention. Choose a good host that knows the debutante well and can jive well with a young crowd.

*Go for a theme that suits you. Do not make the mistake of going for a theme that is not you. Remember that your debut party is about you so your theme should reflect your personality. Having a theme makes it easier to plan your debut party and everything will be more cohesive and focused. As much as possible, once you have chosen a theme, every detail of the party should reflect your chosen theme. Incorporate the party theme as much as you can in all the elements of the party.

*Choose your music well. Even if you will have guests from the older generation or younger generation, remember to choose music that epitomizes your generation. The music used in a party will greatly affect the overall mood and atmosphere so make sure that the music you will choose are those that make you feel good.

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