New Yorker - Two elements in one brand.
The man's words show not only how different and how similar males and females are from each other, but it also revelas the idea of New Yorker for the upcoming summer season. The combination of what is feminane and subtle, with strong masculine accents is something that New Yorker is going to offer to you in the new summer season. The new season is kind of unisex style, but it also emphasises the best features of each gender.
'' Is she me and am I her? Are we one?'' These words sound like something which is well known to anyone who has loved before and found himself in this situation, where it is difficult to determine, which body is whose and whether you are still yourself, or you are together.
So different, but so similar. Separate, but in sense...togheter. Is it possible to become united with your clothes? Yes, it is. All you need to do is visit New Yorker and choose your 'other half'.