The biggest cause of teeth staining is age. As the teeth get worn down, they get darker. Teenagers have teeth that can be bleached the most easily. When people reach their twenties, their teeth have gotten a little yellower, although they are still easy to bleach. By the time people hit their forties, their teeth have gotten browner, and have incorporated more stains, so they need more maintenance.
After hitting the fifties, if an individual has never bleached, and he or she has extrinsic stains that are so deeply ingrained they are almost intrinsic, the stains become much more stubborn. It takes longer to bleach them and to maintain a lighter shade of teeth. The starting color of the teeth, of course, is very important. If an individual has white teeth that have changed shade or gotten darker over a period of time because of extrinsic issues, then that is easier to deal with than an individual who began with a less-white shade of teeth. Cosmetic dentists Wichita cannot fight genetic predisposition very effectively. In the latter case, the individual’s teeth could be made whiter, but they would not become as white as those of a person who had extrinsic stains but began with very white teeth. It is important to consult the cosmetic dentist for teeth whitening. Alester Brown